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Author Index
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Translator Index 
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Ya Hsien 瘂弦
Four Poems by Ya Hsien 瘂弦詩四首
Win 1973
Three Poems by Ya Hsien 瘂弦詩三首;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機                                        K. C. Leung梁啟昌
Spr 1985
Four Poems by Ya Hsien 瘂弦詩四首;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Aut 1985
Seven Poems by Ya Hsien 瘂弦詩七首;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Aut 1988
Yang, Fu 楊茯
The Water Buffalo 牛;transl. Candice Pong 龐雯
Win 1978
Yang, Kuei 楊逵
The Indomitable Rose 壓不扁的玫瑰;transl. Daniel Tom
Aut 1978
Yang, Ming-sien 楊明顯
Auntie Yao 姚大媽;transl. Chen I-djen 陳懿貞
Sum 1987
Yang Mu 楊牧
The Lotus Superstition and Other Poems by Yang Mu 楊牧詩八首
Aut 1974
The Pulse of Nature 自然的悸動
Aut 1975
Mss Sealed in a Bottle 瓶中稿
Aut 1978
The Partridge Sky 鷓鴣天
Spr 1979
Notes on a Persevering Society 不容宰割
Sum 1979
Four Poems by Yang Mu 楊牧詩四首
Aut 1981
Four Poems 高雄, 1973 及其他;transl. Yang Mu 楊牧
Spr 1982
The Poet Encountering Social Realities 詩人與社會現實
Win 1984
The Bay 水灣;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Aut 1992
White Blow the Reeds of November 十一月的白芒花;transl. Chi Pang-yuan 齊邦媛
Win 1994
Yang, Szu-cheng 楊思諶
Lin's Coopery 林記桶店;transl. Shi-yee Liu 劉晞儀
Spr 1985
Yang, Tse 楊澤
School Bag 書包;transl. Anne Behnke 司馬安
Spr 1980
Three Poems by Yang Tse 楊澤詩三首;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Spr 1987
Yeh, Man 葉曼
Establishment of a Country Through Culinary Art 以吃立國;transl. Nancy Zi Chiang 蔣徐乃錦
Win 1972
Yeh Tzu 葉子
Return of a Daughter 堂上回;transl. Jane Parish Yang 白珍
Aut 1983
Yeh, Yen-tu 葉言都
I Love Winona 我愛溫諾娜;transl. Kathy Chang 張同瑩
Sum 1994
Yen, Chuan-ying 顏娟英
The Beauty in Tang Buddhist Art 唐代佛教藝術之美
Aut 1990
The Compelling Images: Ku-yang Buddhist Cave at Lung-men 剛勁秀麗–––龍門石窟古陽洞藝術
Win 1991
Sacred and Profane--The Imperial Buddhist Cave at Lung-men 包容人間像的佛教藝術–––龍門賓陽中洞
Spr 1992
Empress Wu and the Feng-hsien Cave Temple 唐代的帝王石窟–––奉先寺洞
Sum 1992
The Wan-fo Cave at Lung-men 龍門萬佛寺洞
Aut 1992
The Ornament on Chinese Bronze Mirror of the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-906) 唐代銅鏡的裝飾藝術
Sum 1993
The Golden Dharma at the Fa Men Monastery 法門寺金銀器
Aut 1993
The Pottery World of Fantasy: Tang Three-Color Wares 唐三彩的表現世界
Win 1993
Small Caves on the Hills by the River: The Hsiao-nan-hai Cave Temple at Henan 山水之間的小石窟:小南海石窟
Spr 1994
The Epitaph of the Late Chan Master Great Wisdom and the Early School of Meditation in the Tang Dynasty 大智禪師與早期禪宗
Sum 1994
The Five Terraces Mountain--Sacred Site of Manjusri Bodhisattva 山西五台山–––文殊菩薩勝地
Aut 1994
Carving the Sacred Words in Stone 刻經
Win 1994
The Immortal World in Tomb Murals 壁畫墓中的神仙世界
Spr 1995
Sui Buddhist Monuments at I-tu in Shantung 山東益都地區的隋代佛教雕刻
Sum 1995
The Caves of Tien-lung-shan near Tai-yuan, Shansi Province 山西太原天龍山石窟
Aut 1995
The Thousand-Buddha Cave of Kung-ku Temple, Lin County, Honan Province 河南林縣珙谷千佛洞
Win 1995
The Southward Movement of Buddhist Cave Construction in the High Tang Period 玄宗朝自北而南移的石窟造像活動
Spr 1996
The Chai Family Cave--Cave 220 at Tun-huang Mo-kao-ku 翟家窟–––敦煌莫高窟220
Aut 1996
Tung-huang Cave 285 and Meditational Representation 敦煌北朝禪窟285
Win 1996
Yen, Yuan-shu 顏元叔
Fierce Tears 敬悼蔣公
Spr 1975
Yi Heng 亦珩
Let's Go See the Lotus blossoms 看荷花去;transl. Chen I-djen 陳懿貞
Sum 1983
Yin, Cheng-hsiung 銀正雄
The Last Trip 最後的旅程;transl. Lily Liu 劉綺君
Aut 1989
Yin Dih 隱地
Fog 霧;transl. Hsuan Yuan-you 旋元佑
Sum 1982
Books Are Our Brocaded Purses for Life 書是人生錦囊;transl. Daniel J. Bauer 鮑端磊
Win 1993
Leftovers, We've Got Leftovers! 退書,退書!;transl. Daniel J. Bauer 鮑端磊
Win 1993
Yip, Wai-lim 葉維廉
Four Poems by Wai-lim Yip 葉維廉詩四首
Spr 1975
Yu, Clara 于漪
Five Poems by Clara Yu 于漪詩五首
Aut 1992
Yu, Ko-tsun 尤可存
Retrieval of the Nine Dragon Goblet 智取九龍杯;transl. Samuel Ling 凌崇熙
Spr 1981
Yu, Kwang-chung 余光中
Chinese Poetry in Taiwan 中國詩在台灣
Aut 1972
The Mirror 鏡子
Spr 1973
The Telephone Booth 電話亭
Spr 1973
Three Poems by Yu Kuang-chung 余光中詩三首
Sum 1976
The Truth of Imagination 想像的真理
Win 1976
The Writer as a Warner, Visionary and Constructor of the Future 作家是警示者
Aut 1978
Taipei, Taipei 思台北,念台北;transl. Jane Parish Yang 白珍
Aut 1981
To Painter Shiy De Jinn 寄給畫家席德進
Aut 1981
Three Poems by Yu Kwang-chung 余光中詩三首;transl. Yu Kwang-chung 余光中
Win 1982
Three Poems by Yu Kwang-chung 余光中詩三首;transl. Yu Kwang-chung 余光中
Aut 1983
Summer Thoughts of a Mountaineer 山中暑意;transl. Yu Kwang-chung 余光中
Sum 1984
Poems on Kenting National Park 墾丁詩選
Win 1988
"Mother, I'm Hungry" 媽媽,我餓了(in "Nine Poems" 天安門詩九首);transl. Yu Kwang-chung 余光中
Aut 1989
The Pearl Necklace 珍珠項鍊
Sum 1991
Two Poems on Vincent Van Gogh 梵谷詩兩首
Win 1991
Six Poems by Yu Kwang-chung 余光中詩六首
Win 1993
Is the Muse Dead? 繆思未亡
Aut 1994
Poems by Yu Kwang-Chung 余光中詩選;transl. Yu Kwang-chung 余光中
Sum 1997
Yu Mo 于墨
The Day He Was Fired 解雇日;transl. Una Y. T. Chen 陳譚韻
Sum 1982
Yu Sang 于桑
The Cat-watcher 觀貓者;transl. Michelle Yeh 奚密
Sum 1989
Yu, Susan 游燕君
Taipei Radiates in the Light of Lanterns 台北燈節
Spr 1997
Yu, Yuh-chao 余玉照
The Savor of Crawling in Rice Paddies 田裡爬行的滋味;transl. Nicholas Koss 康士林
Spr 1995
Yuan, Chiung-chiung 袁瓊瓊
Typhoon Night 颱風夜;transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Sum 1977
The Sky's Escape 逃亡的天空;transl. Michael S. Duke 杜邁可
Win 1979
A Place of One's Own 自己的天空;transl. Jane Parish Yang 白珍
Sum 1982
Four Poems by Chu Ling 朱陵詩四首;transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Sum 1982
Beyond Words 無言;transl. Howard Goldblatt 葛浩文                         Joseph Lau 劉紹銘
Sum 1983
The Old House That Stood for Thirty Years 老屋三十年;transl. Ying-fun Cheung Su 蘇張瑩棻
Win 1983
Even-glow 夕暉;transl. Chen I-djen 陳懿貞
Sum 1985
Adversity 患難;transl. Cynthia Wu Wilcox 胡慧英
Win 1985
The Swing 鞦韆;transl. Nancy Du 杜南馨
Win 1994
Yuan Jen 遠人
Tale of Two Strangers 異鄉人;transl. Daniel J. Bauer 鮑端磊
Spr 1993
Yungtze 蓉子
Two Poems by Yungtze 蓉子詩兩首;transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Aut 1973