季刊索引 近期刊物 訂閱刊物

Author Index
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Translator Index 
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Hou Chen 侯楨
Three Years of Carefree Happiness 清福三年;transl. David Steelman 施鐵民
Sum 1975
Hsa Sui 沙穗
"Shoes" 鞋子(from "Five Poems" 五首詩作);transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Win 1994
Hsi Hsi 西西
A Woman like Me 像我這樣的一個女子;transl. Howard Goldblatt 葛浩文
Spr 1984
The Silver Years of Rosa Ah-o 玫瑰阿娥的白髮時代;transl. Loretta C. Wang 陳懿貞
Spr 1992
Hsi, Moo-jung 席慕蓉
Collection of Short Songs 短歌集;transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Spr 1983
Three Poems by Hsi Moo-jung 席慕蓉詩三首;transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Aut 1984
Hsia, Ching 夏菁
Aunt Watson 華盛婆婆;transl. Wu Chien Chang 張錢娬
Win 1972
Three Poems by Hsia Ching 夏菁詩三首;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Win 1987
Four Poems by Hsia Ching 夏菁詩四首;transl. Wei Ma 馬嵬
Aut 1991
Hsia, Yu 夏宇
Two Poems by Hsia Yu 夏宇詩兩首;transl. Michelle Yeh 奚密
Spr 1987
Mayfly 蜉蝣;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Spr 1993
Hsiang Ming 向明
Poems by Hsiang Ming 向明詩;transl. Yip Wai-lim 葉維廉                                  John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Aut 1993
"Face of Youth" 青春的臉(from "Five Poems" 五首詩作);transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Win 1994
Hsiang Yang 向陽
Five Poems by Hsiang Yang 向陽詩五首;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Sum 1985
The Four Seasons: The Book of Spring 四季:春;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Spr 1992
The Four Seasons: The Book of Summer 四季:夏;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Sum 1992
The Four Seasons: The Book of Autumn 四季:秋;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Aut 1992
The Four Seasons: The Book of Winter 四季:冬;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Win 1992
Hsiao Feng 曉風(See "Chang, Show Foong"
Hsiao Heh 小赫
The Kite 風箏;transl. Ing Chi 殷琪
Sum 1979
Hsiao Hsiao 蕭蕭
Reflections of a Banana 香蕉的沈思;transl. Frank Stevenson 史文生
Spr 1997
Hsiao Sa 蕭颯
My Son, Han-sheng 我兒漢生;transl. Eve Markowitz 瑪伊芙
Aut 1980
Second Honeymoon 二度蜜月;transl. Patia Yasin 葉佩霞
Spr 1982
The Aftermath of the Death of a Junior High Co-ed 死了一個國中女生之後;transl. Chen I-djen 陳懿貞
Aut 1984
My Relatives in Hongkong 香港親戚;transl. Loh I-cheng 陸以正
Aut 1987
Old Mrs. Kuo's Distress 郭老太的困擾;transl. David Steelman 施鐵民
Sum 1989
Hsiao Yeh 小野
Forced Out 封殺;transl. Mark Friedman 費德明
Win 1978
Hsieh, Shuang-tien 謝霜天
Sons and Daughters: There's a Difference 男女有別;transl. Howard Goldblatt 葛浩文
Spr 1976
Hsieh, Wu-chang 謝武彰
Lamplight 燈火;transl. Ying-fun Cheung Su 蘇張瑩棻
Aut 1982
Hsin Luh 心旅
Better Go Home 還是回家;transl. Norma Liu Hsiao 劉克端
Win 1973
Hsin Tai 心岱
Cutting Hair and Leaving Home 落髮離家時;transl. Michelle Min-chia Wu 吳敏嘉
Win 1994
Hsin Yu 辛鬱
Native Land from Panmunjom 板門店望鄉
Spr 1977
Two Poems by Hsin Yu 辛鬱詩兩首
Win 1977
Hsiung Hung 敻虹
Two Poems by Hsiung Hung 敻虹詩兩首;transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Win 1975
Two Poems by Hsiung Hung 敻虹詩兩首;transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Win 1981
"Tienanmen" 天安門(in "Nine Poems" 天安門詩九首);transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Aut 1989
Poems by Hsiung Hung 敻虹的詩;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Spr 1995
Hsu, Chung-pei 徐鍾珮
My Home 我的家;transl. Ying-tsih Hwang 黃瑛姿
Sum 1986
Hsu Yu 徐訏
Bird Talk 鳥語;transl. Lin Yutang 林語堂
Spr 1975
Five Poems by Hsu Yu 徐訏詩五首;transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Sum 1981
Sister Tsui-ling 私奔;transl. George Kao 高克毅
Sum 1981
Hu, Pin-ching 胡品清
Poet of Many Parts
Sum 1973
Two Poems by Hu Pin-ching 胡品清法文詩兩首
Win 1973
Aut 1976
Four Poems by Hu Pin-ching 胡品清詩四首
Sum 1978
Huang, Chun-ming 黃春明
The Fish 魚;transl. Linda Wu 吳美雲
Spr 1973
Sayonara, Tsai Chien 莎喲哪拉,再見;transl. Howard Goldblatt 葛浩文
Aut 1975
The Taste of Apples 蘋果的滋味;transl. Howard Goldblatt 葛浩文
Sum 1976
Two Sign Painters 兩個油漆匠;transl. David Steelman 施鐵民
Win 1977
Ah-ban and the Cop 阿屘與警察;transl. Howard Goldblatt 葛浩文
Sum 1981
"Tienanmen's First Bullet" 天安門的第一顆子彈(in "Nine Poems" 天安門詩九首);transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Aut 1989
Huang, Fan 黃凡
A Rainy Night 雨夜;transl. Chou Chang Jun-mei 周張潤梅                         Eva Shan Chou 周杉
Spr 1983
Lai Suo 賴索;transl. Robert Eno 伊若白                   Candice Pong 龐雯
Aut 1985
A Man of Scruples, Shu-ming Fan, the Just and Fair 范樞銘的正直;transl. Chen I-djen 陳懿貞
Aut 1988
The Intelligent Man 聰明人;transl. Ying-tsih Hwang 黃瑛姿
Sum 1990
Huang, Szu-cheng 黃思騁
The Graduation Banquet 畢業宴;transl. Howard Goldblatt 葛浩文
Aut 1974
Huang, Wu-chung 黃武忠
Pillar of Stone Had a Wish 石柱的心願;transl. Daniel J. Bauer 鮑端磊
Spr 1997
Huang, Ying 黃櫻
My House Is for Sale 賣家;transl. Chen I-djen 陳懿貞
Aut 1990
Huang, Yung-wu 黃永武
The Desert's Great Bookstore--Tun-huang 沙漠大書坊–––敦煌;transl. John Louton
Win 1993
Hung, Hsing-fu 洪醒夫
The Play's Over 散戲;transl. Michael S. Duke 杜邁可
Spr 1980
Dark Face Kieng-ah 黑面慶仔;transl. Ying-tsih Hwang 黃瑛姿
Win 1986
Hwa, Yen 華嚴
Poor Soul 可憐蟲;transl. Faye Peng 彭斐
Aut 1973